Sunday, November 11, 2007

None Of The Above in Centre of Field

The only Independent candidate for the seat of Gilmore drew the centre position on the ballot paper at Friday’s ballot for positions conducted in Nowra by the Australian Electoral Commission’s District Returning Officer, Peter Manley.

Mr. Of None whose full name will appear on the ballot paper as NONE, Of The Above said that whilst, for obvious reasons, he was hoping to draw the bottom position he was more than happy to be allocated 5th out of 9 candidates.

“I will be dead-centre of the nine candidates and, looking at the extreme views of some of the parties represented, that is about where I would consider myself to be on the left-right spectrum,” he said.

He cited the “whacko” policies of the Citizens Electoral Council, who base their beliefs on the works of the disgraced, self-promoting American demagogue Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. whose racist and homophobic teachings include that the federal (US) government allowed AIDS to spread because it didn't want to "estrange the votes of a bunch of faggots and cocaine sniffers, the organized gay lobby, as it's called in the United States. (I don't know why they're `gay,' they're the most miserable creatures I ever saw!)".

According to LaRouche, The Beatles (who "had no genuine musical talent") were created by the "British Psychological Warfare Division" and promoted "by agencies which are controlled by British intelligence." Furthermore, the Queen of England and the British royal family run the global drug trade.

In 1989 LaRouche was convicted and sentenced to 15 years in prison for federal conspiracy, mail fraud and tax law violations.

Pro-LaRouche publications have been at the forefront of denying the reality of global warming and have denounced Greenpeace and other ecology groups. One of the major planks of the LaRouche platform is the immediate construction of numerous nuclear power plants.

Mr. None is campaigning with ‘No Nuclear reactor at Jervis Bay’ as his major policy platform.

The other party that voters should be wary of, according to Mr. None, is the Liberty and Democracy Party whose beliefs centre around a “libertarian” lifestyle including almost unrestricted gun ownership. It believes
speed limits should be determined by what most motorists regard as safe, not what public servants deem to be acceptable. It does not believe government should tell us to eat healthy foods, to not smoke, to wear a helmet when we ride a bicycle, to not use marijuana, how to discipline our children, whether we can renovate our houses and who we are permitted to marry.

“Voters should look beyond the names and slogans and more closely at the policies of candidates and parties before voting,” he advised.


TerjeP said...

... "almost unrestricted gun ownership" means in practice that the LDP advocate retention of firearm licences and we want an approach to regulation comparable what they have in New Zealand and France.

Terje Petersen
LDP senate candidate - NSW

TerjeP said...

To have a closer look at the Liberty and Democracy Party go to the website:-

There you can read all the policies for yourself and make up your own mind. I particularily like our immigration policy because it reduces loads of red tape and FIAs would make it easier to work and travel abroad. Our tax policy is also worth a look.